Quality Manual – Industrial Training Institute (ITI)

Shri Laxmanrao Mankar Private Industrial Training Institute
Amgaon, Gondia (M.H.) 441902, Phone: +91 9975450479 Email: dksanghi@gmail.com


With the latest spate of new Industrial Training Institutes, Quality is no more a matter of choice but a sheer compulsion. Not only quality of education needs to be managed totally but the total quality of management has to be drastically improved and maintained to secure a winning edge.

This Quality Manual is expected to be the direction indicator as well as prominent torch bearer on the path of kaizen or continual improvement for the institute to progress day in and day out.


Shri Laxmanrao Mankar Private ITI Amgaon was established in 2014 by virtue of a resolution passed by the parent society viz. Bhawbhuti Shiksha Sanstha (society) as a private Industrial Training Institute. There are no donors associated with the Institute. The Institute falls in to category II viz. “Institutes where trades/units have not been affiliated to NCVT”.

Scope of the Institute

The Institute is conducting training for

  1. Electricians
  2. Fitter.

Quality Policy

We will develop technically competent and morally sound manpower by imparting holistic education with continual improvement in our controlling processes.

Quality Objectives

  • To become the best (average result wise) Institute of Amgaon within first two years of establishment.
  • To achieve 100{1e146a358efc3e50891a9783fdb37f148ef1a367fa8dac50f90cd645e4418d30} placement from first batch onward

Section 1: Training and Support Processes

The Institute has determined the resources in terms of infrastructure, human resources, health & safety and work environment for the effective delivery of curriculum as follows:-

1.1 Infrastructure

The institute follows the infrastructure requirements as laid down in the NCVT Annexure G -5 which details the information relating to the trade wise qualification, duration, unit size and trade wise requirement of space, power supply, equipment etc. The building and site plan of ITI and registration paper / lease documents etc. are uploaded in Accreditation application to NABET – QCI forms. An exclusive computer lab with internet connectivity on every computer has been set up with prescribed number of  computers / work stations.

Power supply

As per NCVT norms the building and site plan of ITI and registration paper / lease documents etc. are uploaded in Accreditation application to NABET – QCI forms. The Institute takes all the possible safety precautions (e.g. avoiding loose wires , electric switch boards, lighting etc.) and measures to avoid any electrical hazards or accidents.

1.2 Human resources

The Institute considers that our human resources are our most valuable assets. In line with our Policy we do our best to help them achieve their full potential through continuous education and training. The Institute follows the requirements of NCVT related to the qualifications and competencies of Principal, Instructors and other administrative staff as per Annexure G -2. The salaries of the staff are as per the government guidelines wherein a minimum of 2/3rd salary of the government servants of equivalent level is paid to the faculty/staff. Requisite number of instructional staff and supervisory staff (Faculty Member/Resource Person) are provided. They are qualified and possess experience in their posts in line with NCVT guidelines.

1.3 Curriculum

The Institute follows the curriculum and syllabus guidelines provided by NCVT.

The Head of the Department (Teaching) is responsible for keeping up to date on the changes/guidelines suggested by the NCVT from time to time. The changes as advised are recorded and the additional resources like faculty, equipment, tools etc. are forwarded to the Institute Management Committee (IMC) for its sanction.

In case of an urgency which requires immediate action to meet NCVT guidelines, the Head of the institution is authorized to make purchases with information to all members of IMC.

The curriculum of the trade for which the institute is affiliated will be assessed every time before the start of the session by the IMC and any amendments required will be carried out prior to the start of the session.

The curriculum of the relevant trades shall be put up on Institute’s website.

The HODs will be responsible for ensuring the adherence to the course curriculum. The plan for delivery of the course curriculum will be prepared on weekly basis and given to each Tutor.

1.4 Training – learning process

The Institute provides appropriate support and resources as per NCVT guidelines to impart training learning process with requisite number of hours and suitable methods. The teaching staff implements the course curriculum through a range of approaches and teaching strategies that recognize diverse learning styles relevant to the learning needs. More number of practical sessions are given to the students to enrich their learning experience. Some of the methods used are;

  • Lecture / Presentation
  • Demonstration
  • Exercises
  • Field Exposure
  • Practices etc.,

1.5 Continuous Evaluations

The Institute follows NCVT requirement related to continuous and end term assessment of Students. The continuous assessments shall be made based on the class test, weekly tests, monthly tests and the performance of the students in the practical sessions.

A progress card is maintained in respect of every trainee from the date of admission to the Institute.

The monthly tests are conducted in all the subjects and the performance be recorded as usual on the monthly and quarterly basis for awarding term marks.

1.6 Industrial Interface and Student Development

The Institute shall make necessary arrangements for classroom sessions taken up by suitable faculty / experts from industries,

  • arrange periodic industry visits,
  • ensure Faculty members along with students to take up real life problems from industries for problem solving and application of principles taught as a part of course work to enhance the skills of the students,
  • encourage students to develop necessary soft skills and attitudes so as to enable them getting suitable placements in the industry,
  • provide necessary guidance to students for getting placements,

1.7 Admission Policy

All Admissions are carried online as per the rules & schedule of NCVT & DVET.

1.8 Learning environment

The Institute shall provide a suitable learning environment for conduction of training as per NCVT norms. It is ensured that the training halls, laboratories etc. are well maintained and there are separate laboratories for the male and female students and staff. The HOD administration (Superintendent) is responsible for the upkeep of the institute.

The Institute shall provide conditions to facilitate learning environment for both indoor and outdoor activities. The learning environment includes safe class rooms, offices, workshops, laboratories, common spaces and other facilities.

Additionally, The Institute shall monitor and address issues relating to environmental conditions including:

  • Adequate illumination,
  • Adequate ventilation,
  • Housekeeping and cleanliness,
  • Safeguard against excessive weather conditions like dust, cold, heat and rain,
  • Controlling noise and distractions etc.

1.9 Health and safety

The Institute shall determine, maintain and comply with health, safety and security norms including:

  • Providing appropriate procedures and training for all staff members to implement emergency and crisis plans & handle accident
  • Including maintenance of safe passages and firefighting equipments including extinguishers and fire buckets etc.
  • Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements,
  • provision for emergency situations covering both indoor and outdoor activities,
  • health policies which include collection of medical information for all staff and students, immunization against common diseases and maintenance of comprehensive records.

1.10 Placement Facilitation

1.10.1 A suitable website shall be designed , developed and maintained for the guidance of the student.

1.10.2 A Placement cell shall be constituted under the guidance of HOD Admin and records shall be maintained including details of self-employment.

Section 2: Performance measurement and improvement

2.1 Continual Improvement

The Institute shall continually improve the effectiveness of the accreditation system through the use of the Mission, Management Objectives, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and management reviews. For continual improvement purposes an improvement project methodology shall be adopted. All the training processes shall be reviewed at least once in a year considering the in process failures and customer feedback / complaints. Where planned results are not achieved, corrective and preventive action shall be taken, as appropriate, to ensure conformity of service.

The activities / processes requiring the application of Statistical Techniques are identified. The data to study the identified activity processes are recorded. Principally the Statistical Techniques are used in the following areas:Student and interested party(s) feedback on elements of curriculum

  •  Student attendance and student dropout rate,
  • Student performance by way of result etc.
  • Teacher turnover ratio.
  • Placement

The results of Statistical analysis are evaluated to initiate appropriate corrective & preventive action.

2.2 Management Review

The Institute Management Committee shall review the following agenda points at least once in three months for effectiveness and conformity:

  •  Actions outstanding from previous management review meetings
  • Actions resulting from surveillance by the approval body
  • Administrative procedures
  • Course/program design
  • Course/program presentation
  • Performance of Faculty members/ Resource persons and future training required for the Faculty members/ Resource persons
  • Complaints and appeals
  • Analysis of student feedback
  • Analysis on results of students in skill assessment and certification process by assessing bodies and NCVT

2.3 Complaint handling

 The procedure for complaint handling process is as follows:

  • Providing information regarding complaint handling process to all interested parties through notice boards, institute brochures / websites.
  • Maintain records of complaints and regular feedback is sought from students and staff. A complaint register is maintained and a complaint box is put up strategically outside the Principal’s Office for receiving any feedback even after office hours. The telephone numbers of Principal and HOD Administration are displayed prominently.
  • Complaints from the interested parties are recorded in the complaint register.
  • All the complaints / feedbacks will be acknowledged within one week
  • The complaints are investigated by the disciplinary committee comprising of the Principal, HOD Teaching and HOD Admin. and resolved at the earliest possible. The maximum time for resolving a complaint is 3 weeks.
  • The respective interested parties are communicated on the closure of the complaint to ensure satisfaction.

Records of all complaints and actions taken for the above are maintained by the Institution. All the possible efforts shall be made to avoid ragging in the premises.

Section 3:  Governance of the Institution

3.1 Leadership

Institute Management Committee has been established and it follows formal methods to determine the needs and expectations of the interested parties with regard to effective delivery of curriculum and varied development of the students

Institute Management committee;

  • Involves all members of the Institution in understanding and implementing the mission and quality objectives that are measurable and derived from core training and support processes of the Institution,
  • Identifies and plans for resources necessary for achieving the Institution’s objectives,
  • Communicates to all members of Institution the importance of meeting the requirements of interested parties as well as the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements,
  • Measures the performance of the Institution in order to monitor the fulfillment of the mission and quality objectives.

3.2 Responsibility and authority

The responsibility and authority of all the employees of the institute is defined and communicated to all the employees. For example


  • Overall In-charge of profitability of the organization/ institution
  • Approval of mission
  • Holding Management Reviews and ensuring all actions are completed as per the decisions of meeting.
  • Providing budgets for required resources and its approval.
  • Approval of all Capital items purchases.
  • Collaborations and agreements
  • Answerable to the Management Committee for smooth running of the Institute.

Accreditation Coordinator – The Principal of the Institute shall also be the ex officio Accreditation Coordinator and as such –

  • He will be responsible to prepare Quality Manual and Procedures.
  • He will be ensuring that a quality system is established implemented and maintained in accordance with the Accreditation guidelines.
  • He will be reporting on the performance of the ITI to the management for review and for improvement of the ITI.
  • He will be coordinating with NABET for smooth implementation of the Accreditation System in the ITI.
  • He is authorized to conduct the Internal Audits.

HOD teaching/ Tutor/ Trainer/ Teacher

  • Preparing Lesson plans in line with the NCVT guidelines
  • Conduct of the theory and practical classes in line with the syllabus/curriculum.
  • Continuous assessment of the students in line with the assessment criteria
  • Reporting of any non-conformances in course delivery/laboratories etc.
  • Guide and help to make Quality manual, procedure, process instruction and formats.

3.3 Accreditation Document (s)

Quality manual

The manual describes the training and related support processes including their interactions. It shall include or provide references to all documented procedures and other applicable criteria upon which the training system is based.

Control of documents

The Institute has established a documented procedure describing the arrangements for:

  • Obsolete documents are identified as “Obsolete copy / Not to be used” and kept in a isolated place.
  • Relevant documents are available to all concerned within the Institution and to the interested parties. A master list of documents and distribution list is recorded.
  • All external documents, including the relevant regulations that are continuously kept updated.
  • In case of any changes required in the manual, the changes can be suggested by any staff member and the same shall be reviewed and approved by the Accreditation Coordinator.
  • All the documents in the accreditation system are identified as NABET-AM-Version – Date of release of the document
  • All the documents are to be prepared and reviewed internally for adequacy and approved by the head of the ITI prior to use.

Control of records

The institute has maintained the control of records by a documented procedure.

  • All the records within the accreditation system are Identified as -REC Name and –Date
  • The accreditation coordinator is responsible for any revisions in the format of the record.
  • All the records are stored at designated places and are identified.
  • The records are maintained and retained based on the legal requirements.

All records are disposed after the retention period either by scrapping or by shredding or by burning.


Organization Structure


Linkages / affiliations / recognitions

Accreditation with National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) a constituent of Quality Council of India (QCI) and NCVT etc., DGET-6/13/1/2014-TC Dt 31/07/2014    DVET Instt Code PR27000729, Instt Code 792

Profile of Teachers

S.noNameQualificationExperience (Years)
1Mr Ravishankar R RautBE(Mechanical)03 Years
2Mr Bhumeshwar I ThakreITI,Diploma in Mechanical08 Years
3Mr Gopal L BhoyarITI,CTC05 Years
4Mr Prashant SonwaneDiploma in Electrical Engg02 Years
5Mr Naresh N KatreITI,Diploma in Electrical Engg01 Years
6Mr Pankaj D KatreMCA05 Years

Facilities and Infrastructure 

SNFacility/ InfrastructureNumberArea(Sq.Mt.)
1Fitter workshop1104.48
2Electrical work shop1110.96
3Common Room119.41
4Library Room135.58
5Store Room139.91
6Class Room2123.69
7First Aid Cum seek room119.5
8IT Lab141.6
9Smith & Workshop178
10Ladies Toilet15.17
11Gents Toilet18.03
12Generator Room19.24


All machines as per norms of DVET & NCVT are available.